How we're ending
Hunger and poverty

No Kid Hungry
Through programs that are proven to work, No Kid Hungry is ending childhood hunger by ensuring that kids get the food they need.
Cooking Matters
Kids need good food to grow up healthy. Cooking Matters helps parents and caregivers struggling with limited food budgets learn how to shop for and cook healthy, affordable meals.

Community Wealth Partners
Solving big problems requires bold partners. Community Wealth Partners helps nonprofits and foundations solve social problems at the magnitude they exist.
Add Passion & Stir Podcast
Each week on his podcast, ‘Add Passion & Stir’, Billy Shore pairs a guest from the culinary world with a social change-maker for an insightful conversation.
Disaster Relief
In times of crisis, we issue emergency grants, raise new funds and help donors and policymakers find effective local organizations.
International Grants
Through careful, targeted granting, we’re helping effective groups around the world that are working to feed those in need.
Let's Work Together
Partnership is at the heart of everything we do at Share Our Strength. Our corporate partners amplify our work with needed resources, and our successes give their staff and customers ways to feel connected to something bigger..
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